Friday 26 August 2011

Why do I want a blog?

Looking through a-n I realise that many professional artists have blogs. I seem to be about 3 or 4 years out of date on this one - so here goes. I don't know who will read it, or how they will read it - how will others communicate with me etc etc. But I've got to start somewhere! "artists talking article in a-n "everyone knows its not enough to just make work if, that is, you want to be taken seriously. - you can't make work in a vacuum and its useful to know who your work is in converstion with and what it is saying - "

I'm going to publish this first attempt. Whoever you may be - if you see it and think I'm twit - you're probably right! 


  1. ...then a lot of us will be twit's together! happy blogging Helen

  2. Let me know how it goes, I'm confused with all the blogging malarky, should I, shouldn't I??
