Monday 8 July 2013

Light & Dark

Seeing is believing. 
Same screen, same position, 
different time of day; 
different light; 
different dark.  

Today I have tried to take a look at the light and dark of my depression. 

But its hard. When I am in the light, I can't remember the dark. But much more worryingly,  when I am in the dark, i can't remember the light, and certainly can't imagine it coming back. When it's light, it's light. When it's dark, it's dark. But it's not like night following day. The nights can be light, just as the days can be dark. 

When it's light, and maybe i should have been able to look for answers, for some reason i haven't been able (or willing?) to see. 'Blinded by the light?  My challenge now is to try to recognise when the light is gong to go out again and somehow try to prepare for it. The light doesn't just go off. It gets brighter and brighter until the filament burns out. The light stops and the noises in the dark start.

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